Stainless Steel 410 is the general purpose and most widely used of all the Martensitic grades of stainless steels. In its annealed condition it may be drawn, formed or shaped and because it is an air or oil quench hardening grade it can be hardened to high strength levels by subsequent heat treatments. While Stainless Steel 410 offers very good resistance to scaling up to 1200° F., and its mechanical properties are excellent, it is NOT recommended for applications in which severe corrosion is encountered.
Stainless Steel 410 is used for springs, scrapers, fasteners, hardware brackets, furnace parts and burners. It is magnetic in all conditions. Tensile strength (as annealed) min. 65,000 PSI, yield strength minimum 30,000 PSI, and elongation in 2 inches at 20%. For solution annealing, slow controlled cooling from 1500/1600° F. For hardening, heat to 1700/1850°F. Quench in air or oil.
The following specifications cover Stainless Steel 410
- AISI 410
- AMS 5504
- AMS 5505
- AMS 5591
- AMS 5613
- AMS 5776
- ASTM A176
- ASTM A182 (F6A, F8a)
- ASTM A193 (410,B6, B6X)
- ASTM A194 (410,B6, B6X)
- ASTM A240
- ASTM A268
- ASTM A276
- ASTM A314
- ASTM A336
- ASTM A473
- ASTM A479
- ASTM A493
- ASTM A511
- ASTM A580
- DIN 1.4006
- UNS S41000
Related Metals:
- AF 410QDT(tm)
Chemistry Data :
Carbon | 0.15 max | |
Chromium | 11.5 – 13.5 | |
Iron | Balance | |
Manganese | 1 max | |
Phosphorus | 0.04 max | |
Silicon | 1 max | |
Sulphur | 0.03 max |
Principal Design Features | Stainless Steel 410 is the basic martensitic stainless which will attain high mechanical properties after heat treatment. It has good impact strength, corrosion and scaling resistance up to 1200 F (649 C). |
Applications | Cutlery, steam and gas turbine blades and buckets, bushings, valve components,stainless steel 410 pipes, stainless steel 410 tubes, stainless steel 904L fittings, stainless steel 410 flanges, fasteners, screens and kitchen utensils. |
Machinability | Tough, draggy chips with heavy build-up. While this alloy can be machined in the annealed condition, it tends to perform better in the cold drawn or heat treated condition. |
Welding | Most common methods of welding can be successfully employed with this alloy. To reduce the chance of cracking, it is advisable to preheat the workpiece to 350-400 F (177-204 C). Post-weld annealing is recommended to reattain maximum ductility. Filler metal, when required, should be AWS E/ER410. |
Hot Working | 2000-2200 F (1093-1204 C) is the proper hot work range. Do not work this material below 1650 F (899 C). | |
Cold Working | Readily cold formed using most of the common practices. |
Annealing | 1200-1400 F (649-760 C), followed by air cooling. |
Tempering | Temper for desired hardness, air or furnace cool. | |
Hardening | 1750-1850 F (954-1010 C), oil quench for maximum hardness. |
Physical Data :
Density (lb / cu. in.) | 0.28 |
Specific Gravity | 7.7 |
Specific Heat (Btu/lb/Deg F – [32-212 Deg F]) | 0.11 |
Electrical Resistivity (microhm-cm (at 68 Deg F)) | 342 |
Melting Point (Deg F) | 2790 |
Modulus of Elasticity Tension | 29 |
wilsonpipeline is a supplier of stainless steel 410 pipes, stainless steel 410 tubes, stainless steel 904L fittings, stainless steel410 forgings, stainless steel 410 flanges, and stainless steel 410 fasteners including; stainless steel 410 nuts, stainless steel410 bolts and more.
Source: wilsonpipeline Pipe Industry (
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