Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Cleaning of Stainless Steel By wilsonpipeline.com

Stainless steel is known for its ability to be a clean surface that resists corrosion and rust. Because of this stainless steel is a popular choice in products. If you’ve had stainless steel around in your home for very long, you know that it has the potential to live up to its name. Dirt, dust and grime, however, put stainless steel at risk for corrosion and rust. Luckily, it responds well to cleaning, as long as certain rules are followed.

Always attempt the mildest cleaning method first. Repeat it a fair number of times before resorting to the more severe cleaningmethods. Routine Cleaning. Stainless Steel’s best friends are quite simply soap, mild detergent or ammonia solutions in warm water, applied with a soft cloth or nylon sponge. Occasionally the use of the least coarse nylon scouring pad may be required. Rinse and dry with a soft cloth.

Stainless steel articles are ideally suited for washing in a dishwasher. Only if cookware is heavily soiled is any prewashing required. (Note: Don’t wash in diswashers which have galvanised (Zinc Plated) components. Indelible stains can result on thesurface of Stainless Steel). Such simple Routine Cleaning will easily remove normal soiling. Repeated application will often remove heavier soiling and stains will become less noticeable and may completely disappear.

Cleaning of Stainless Steel – Moderate Soiling, Light Staining. Apply the mildest household abrasive cleaner, or a paste made from fine chalk or soda bicarb, using a soft cloth or a fine nylon scouring pad. A soft bristle brush may also be used. Rub the surface as softly as possible using long even strokes in the direction of the polished finish if this exists. Avoid using a circular rubbing action. Rinse well and wash as described under Routine Cleaning.

Cleaning of Stainless Steel – Heavy Soiling, Heavier Staining. Presoak in warm/hot detergent or ammonia solution. If this does not sufficiently soften burnt food or carbon deposits, household caustic cleaners will have to be used. Follow by cleaning as for Moderate Soiling, Light Staining. Repeat if necessary.

If this does not suffice final resort may have to be made to the use of both coarser abrasive cleaners and nylon scouring pads, but with the risk that the surface may become slightly affected. Follow by a thorough rinse and Routine Cleaning.

It is usually only the inside surfaces of cookware that are heavily soiled. If the more severe cleaning methods therefore have to be used – take care – Do not apply them to the outside surfaces where they are not required.

Source: wilsonpipeline Pipe Industry Co., Limited (www.wilsonpipeline.com)


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